Jsp-PIM The Jsp based Personal Information Manager
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This project will be a fully integrated modular and open personal information manager written in java, jsp and html.


Currently the program works without many bugs (that we know of). It needs some help though please take a look at the todo list and help us out.

This project uses JSP, java, java script, Apache Tomcat and an Informix database connection to create a calendar system where a user can add, update, view, and delete events. All events are displayed in a month view only.  Each month view has a calendar with events displayed, an add event table, and a table that lists each month event with more specific information.  The user can assign a contact person to each event from their personal contact list.  Also an administrator can go to the master event calendar and add events for specific groups and each user can be assigned to up to three groups. These group events will be displayed on their user calendar.

Each event can have a start and stop date from the year down to the minute.  Events can also be repeated by year, month, or week.  A repeat event can either be repeated by date or day of week.  If it is repeated by date the specific day of the month is used to determine where it is displayed for each month.  If it is repeated by day of week the calendar uses the date and what day of the week in that particular month to determine where it repeats.  For example, if you would have a date of September 1, 2001 and repeat it by day of week, the calendar would take that as the first Saturday of every month.

 Each event has java script error checking.  Java script is something we would like to move away from and have the error checking within the java and JSP code.  There are some verification methods in HtmlCalendar.verifyUserEvent and HtmlCalendar.verifyMasterEvent that can be used once the java script is taken out.

This program also includes a login to check for a userid.  This allows different users logging in and seeing their own personal calendars.  Currently, there is no specific user login for the master calendar.


  • javascript taken out replaced with jsp/java code error checking
  • database independent
  • more security
  • nicer GUI
  • allow for repeat events over multiple days (this is very tricky)
  • add more views such as a day view, year view
  • allow for more repeat types, daily, weekends etc.
  • Determining what day in the month a repeat day of the week event should go needs to be bug free (I think its pretty good but there are probably still special cases out there) This is handled in HtmlCalendar.displayTYPEEvents() for each TYPE of event.
  • User administration